JAMA Clinical Guidelines Synopsis
July 11, 2022
Major recommendations
Diet, physical activity, and behavioral therapy should be designed to achieve and maintain at least 5% weight loss. Additional weight loss usually results in further improvements in control of diabetes and cardiovascular risk (level of evidence B).
Interventions to achieve weight loss should include a high frequency of counseling (≥16 sessions in 6 months) to achieve a 500- to 750-kcal/d energy deficit (level of evidence A).
When selecting glucose-lowering medications for people with type 2 diabetes and overweight or obesity, consider the effect of medications on weight (level of evidence B).
Weight loss medications are effective as adjuncts to diet, physical activity, and behavioral counseling for selected people with type 2 diabetes and body mass index (BMI) of at least 27 (level of evidence A).
Metabolic surgery should be a recommended option to treat type 2 diabetes in those with BMI of at least 40 (≥37.5 in Asian American individuals) and in those with BMI of 30 to 39.9 (32.5-37.5 in Asian American individuals) who do not achieve durable weight loss or improvement in comorbidities with nonsurgical methods (level of evidence A).